Friday, August 1, 2008

A False Alarm

At around 4:30 My cousin Stacy (Chase's Mommy) called to tell me that Kim was at the hospital, She said they she had been having a ton of cramping and contractions so the hospital wanted her to come in so they could monitor her, She as been on strict bed rest for the past week because she went into pre term labor Saturday of last week. So I head over to the hospital because we just knew this was it. She just turned 33 weeks and has been giving to doses of steroids just in case Baby Jaycob wanted to come early. These are a few shots I got while there, 8 hours later they sent her home because she wasn't dilated enough to keep her, Baby Jaycob is playing tricks on her, I told her he was saying "Ya I wanna come out and play, Then quickly changes his mind" So its now a waiting game.

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